Lock Pick Templates

What you will find here is a variety of lock pick templates I have made myself. I will only display templates here that I have actually used to make a lock pick with (and used it successfully), so more are to come as soon as I can try out more templates - so check back soon. What you will not find here is templates of commercially made picks, for two reasons: 1, that is probably illegal for me to do, and 2, I'm sure you can find plenty of pictures of those in other places. Print out what I have here and you can make your own lock picks in no time. Homemade lock picks take time to perfect the technique of, so practice. If you haven't already, read the how to make lock picks page for advice on getting started.

These graphics should be close to scale when you print them out, but if not the dimensions should be 1/4 of an inch width at the handle, so scale them accordingly.

Lock pick templates, c-rakes, snakes

Above: Since the C-rake/snake is my favorite lock pick, I have designed variations of it here. Why should one snake pick work for all locks anyway? They all have different shear points in different combinations. That's why I have arranged 5 types of snake lock pick templates here. The first from the left is actually a hook variation I have included, with more of a right angle than is usually seen for locks with pins closer together. The second from the left, the first snake is the most basic, with the tip in line with the curve. The next two have the tip protruding further out than the curve, and the last two have the curve protruding farther than the tip. The latter are for locks with a tendancy toward higher shear lines at the front, and the former are for higher shear lines in the back. You get the idea.

lock pick templates, scrubbers and jigglers

Here's the next installment of lock pick templates. This is a new selection of picks that I have recently made (and tested) which are meant for scrubbing. The middle one is a hook with a concave curve. I find this hook especially useful with small locks, where the handle of the pick gets in the way of your trying to pick each pin. This one has an indentation to make it easier to feel which pin your hook is touching, and not the handle. The first one is new, I recently had the idea of combining jiggling with lock bumping. This one is meant to move your hand up and down as fast as possible, while varying tension. It can be like a universal bump key (except that it requires a tension wrench!) but with a pick in case there's a security pin. Jiggle away.

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