want to keep track of your credit card transactions to budget your monthly spending? then, you should be viewing your credit card statement regularly. Kotak Mahindra Bank enables you to view as well as download your credit card bill online. read this article to know the ways of obtaining and understanding your credit card statement.
Kotak Mahindra Bank allows you to view and download your credit card statement. you can also register to get your credit card e-statement on email ID.
registration for credit card e-statement via SMS
to register for Kotak credit card statement, send an SMS to Kotak Mahindra Bank in the format ‘GREEN’ to 5676788 from your registered mobile number.
registration for credit card e-statement via customer care
you can also register for credit card statement by contacting the Kotak customer care. the Kotak customer care number is 1860-266-2666 which is available 24/7 for your queries.
view credit card e-statement
you can follow these steps to understand how to view your credit card statement via mobile banking.
you can follow the steps given below to understand how to download your credit card statement via internet banking.
you can also visit the Kotak SMS alert page to view your credit card balance and get daily updates.
here are some benefits of opting for Kotak credit card statement:
payment due date
the term payment due date means the date before which the credit card bill payment has to be made to the bank. if the payment is not made before the due date, some charges might be levied upon you as a penalty.
minimum amount due
the term minimum amount due means the minimum amount that needs to be paid before the payment due date. paying this minimum amount creates a good impression of your account. a late fee might be levied on you if you are not able to pay this amount
closing balance
the term closing balance means the total amount remaining in your card by the end of each statement period.
transaction summary
transaction summary gives you a summary of your spendings on various things. this summary gives you a quick insight into your spendings.
reward points
rewards points are the points that you have accumulated by carrying out transactions over time. you can also view the validity of the reward points.
if you notice any mistakes or errors in your credit card statement, you need to get it rectified to be able to make your Kotak credit card bill payment. here is how you can rectify the error in your statement.
no, Kotak Bank will discontinue sending the hard copies of your credit card statements if you opt for e-statements. you can request a hard copy by contacting customer care.