Yashica electro gx manual


The Yashica Electro 35 GX of which you have just become a proud owner incorporates a fully automatic exposure system, enabling you to make automatic exposures under virtually all lighting conditions, from candle light to glaring snow or beach scenes. In addition, it features a unique Electro Auto Flash System which permits you to go fully automatic with flash exposures as well.

Particularly in automatic flash exposure, the use of the exclusive Yashica ES-20 AUTO strobe unit affords the utmost convenience. While mounted on your camera, this unit can be swiveled to the right or left for bounce flash technique.

Many flash techniques, such as off-camera flash, twin flash and bounce flash, can be employed most effectively and exposure in these cases will also be fully automatic. To enable the most efficient application of these flash techniques, such accessories as Hot-Shoe Extension Cords, Twin-Flash Adapter and Techno Bracket SST-7 are available.

In both normal automatic exposure and automatic flash exposure, your Electro 35 GX will open new and more exciting fields of photography.


1. Install batteries
2. Open Back Cover & Load film.
3. Set ASA speed rating of film in use.
4. Set exposure symbol by turning Aperture Ring.
5. Advance film.
6. Secure focus and trip shutter.

The shutter and exposure control of your Electro 35 GX will not function precisely unless the batteries are loaded properly. Always use two 1.4V batteries [Eveready E640N, Mallory PX640, or equivalent].

1. Open the Battery Compartment Cover by sliding it in the direction of the arrow and lifting it up while catching the groove with the tip of your fingernail. Do not force the cover open. Open it outward.

2. Install the batteries by referring to the polarity diagram in the battery compartment. If their polarity is reversed, all indicator lamps will fail to come on and the shutter will fail to function properly.
See that the batteries are set over the plastic tab. When installed in this way, they can be removed from the battery compartment simply by pulling on the tab.

3. After ascertaining that the batteries are loaded properly, close the Battery Compartment Cover by giving it a slight push in the direction of the arrow.

To check the battery power, press the Battery Check Button. If the lamp in the Exposure Counter comes on, sufficient battery power is indicated. The Battery Check also doubles as the exposure counter illuminator, permitting checking of the number of exposed frames in subdued light situations. Because this system consumes a considerable amount of power, avoid frivolous or compulsive use of the Battery Check Button.
The battery check light will not come on under the following conditions:

1. When the batteries are installed with their polarity reversed.
2. In case of poor contact due to oil smears on the contact ends of the batteries or due to moisture or a battery leak that has damaged the electrical contacts of the battery compartment.
3. When the battery power has drained below the required voltage level.
4. If the Battery Compartment is empty of batteries.

1. Open the Back Cover by lifting up the Film Rewind Knob and pulling it out toward you.
2. Install a 35mm film cassette, right side up, in the film chamber and push the Film Rewind Knob down to its original position.
3. Insert the tip of the film leader securely into any one of the slots on the Take-up Spool. [Avoid direct sunlight when loading the film].


After loading the film, make it a rule to set the ASA film speed. While pressing the ASA Film Speed Setting Lever, slide and align it with the figure corresponding to the ASA speed rating of the film in use.
Because the ASA film speed is a factor vital to assuring correct automatic function of the camera’s exposure control, always make sure it is set properly.


The ASA “Speed” rating is the degree of light sensitivity of the film emulsion. The ASA speed rating is indicated clearly on the outer box or the instruction sheet which comes with the film. The higher the ASA number, the greater the sensitivity of the film to light. It is important that you understand that this increase in light sensitivity is enabled by increasing the size of the grain structure of the film. This directly reduces the ability of the film to resolve fine detail in proportion to the ASA speed increase. This is a clear case of when 'less' is more. The maximum aperture of the Yashinon Lens on this camera should rarely require the use of film faster than ASA 100 even in moonlight auto time exposures.

1. Advance the film. Make sure the Film Advance Lever is given a full wind when advancing the film. After ascertaining that the Sprocket teeth properly engage the perforations on both edges of the film, close the Back Cover and press gently to lock it in place.
2. Press the Shutter Release Button and push the Film Advance Lever and repeat alternately until the Exposure Counter registers the figure “1. The Exposure Counter will automatically register the number of exposures which you have made.
3. To check the film advance, observe the Film Rewind Knob while manipulating the Film Advance Lever. If it rotates in the course of film wind, it means that the film is advancing properly.

Turn the Shutter Lock and align the indicator with the "L" setting. In this position, the Shutter Release Button will be locked, and accidental tripping of the shutter will be prevented. Make it a rule to lock the Shutter Release Button when your camera is not in use. Note: When locked, undue power drain will be prevented even if the Film Advance Lever is wound fully.

The Viewfinder of your Electro 35 GX incorporates a bright frame which outlines the area that will be reproduced on the film.
When composing your picture, see that your subject is placed within this bright frame. In the course of focusing, this bright frame moves diagonally to compensate for parallax. If your subject is placed within this frame, there will be no possibility of a cropped head or similar error in composition.

To focus, sight your subject through the viewfinder and turn the Focusing Ring until the two images at the center of the viewfinder field appear perfectly superimposed, to form a single image. If two identical images can be seen in the bright center focusing area, it means that your camera is not focused properly.

The basic step to good picture-taking is to hold your camera steadily. Otherwise perfect shots are very often spoiled by erratic movement of the camera at the critical moment of exposure. Before attempting to shoot your first series of pictures, hold your camera in your hands and familiarize yourself with the correct method of operation. Always see to it that the Shutter Release Button is pressed gently with the ball of your right index finger, or a cable release if your accessory hand grip is so equipped. When tripping the shutter, make sure your fingers or the cover of the carrying case, shoulder strap, etc. do not cover the lens or the SBC sensor.


For best results, have the sun behind your shoulder. When the subject receives the light from the front, the condition is ideal for photography and good color reproduction can be obtained.

Your Yashica Electro 35 GX is designed to deliver perfect exposures automatically under all light conditions, from candlelight to the glaring light of snow or beach scenes with ASA film speeds up to 200. You may need to add a Neutral Density Filter to shoot higher ASA rated film under bright conditions.
1. Turn the Aperture Ring and align the appropriate Exposure Symbol with the index.
2. Advance the film. In the course of the film wind, a faint click will be heard. This indicates that the automatic exposure control has been set to "standby".
3. Sight your subject through the Viewfinder and press the Shutter Release Button half-way to check the exposure. If the red indicator arrow fails to come on, depress the Shutter Release Button all the way to trip the shutter. Try this without film in the camera to get the ‘feel’ of the action.


The Electro Exposure control system is of the Aperture Priority type. You select the lens opening and it sets the shutter speed for the correct exposure. This normally works out very well

You can however overcome this and control the shutter speed, for sporting events for example.

When you understand the relationship between the aperture stops and the percentage of light between them, it actually becomes quite simple to select the shutter speed best suited for your shots.

Each ƒ stop on the lens barrel, namely, 16 - 11 - 8 - 5.6 - 4 - 2.8 - 2 - 1.4 represents a 100% change from the adjoining setting. As the numbers get larger, the amount of light transmitted by the lens becomes LESS, because this number is NOT the size of the lens opening but is the ratio of the size of the lens opening [aperture] to the focal length of the lens. With this in mind, it is not difficult to follow the procedure.

In daylight photography, set the lens opening to maximum for the sake of simplicity. This is 1.7 on the 'G' series. Now slowly press the shutter release button until you see the red over exposure lamp. Then adjust the lens opening until both the red and yellow lamps are out. At this point your camera is set for the correct exposure with the shutter set at 1/500th sec. If you wish to cut the shutter speed in half to 1/250th second for the sake of greater depth of focus, move the indicated lens opening on the barrel to the next 100% smaller aperture setting. For example if the lamp went out at ƒ 5.6, decrease the lens opening by 100% to ƒ 8.0
Obviously you can move from one mid point to the next. To obtain an exposure of 1/125 th second, you would move the lens by two increments to ƒ11. Try this without film in the camera to get the hang of it.

Use the Self-timer to trip the shutter when you wish to include yourself in the picture.

Focus the image and advance the film.
While disengaging the Self-Timer Lock on the lens barrel, slide up the Self-Timer Lever.
When the Shutter Release Button is pressed all the way, the Self-Timer Lever will begin to move slowly towards its original position and the shutter will be tripped at the delayed action of about 8 seconds.

If automatic exposure is attempted in the normal manner, your main subject will be over-exposed. Therefore, re-adjust the ASA film speed setting.
If an ASA 100 film is in use, reset the ASA film speed setting of your camera to either ASA 200 or 400

The Shutter Release Button provides a two-way function. When pressed half-way, it activates the exposure control and the exposure indicator system. When pushed all the way down, it trips the shutter. In case neither one of the Exposure Indicator Arrows comes on when the Shutter Release Button is pressed half-way, press the button all the way down. Correct exposure will be made at a shutter speed faster than 1/30 sec. Over-exposure is indicated in case the red Exposure Indicator Arrow comes on when the Shutter Release Button is pressed half-way. In this case, turn the Aperture Ring in the direction of the arrow until the exposure indicator lamp goes off. If the lamp fails to turn off even then, mount a Neutral Density or Polaroid filter over the lens to compensate for over-exposure. When the yellow Exposure Indicator Arrow comes on, correct exposure will be assured but the exposure will be made at 1/30 sec. or slower shutter speed. Take care to steady the camera, to prevent a blurred picture.


Turn the Aperture Ring in the direction of the arrow until the exposure indicator lamp goes off. If it goes off, hand-held photography can be safely attempted because the shutter will operate at a speed faster than 1/30 sec. With extreme closeups this speed will likely not be fast enough. If you are at full aperture to reach this point, you need a tripod or more light. You need to keep yourself aware that the closer the subject matter, the greater it's magnification, and therefore the more likely a shaky exposure will be to spoil the shot. If the yellow indicator lamp fails to go off even when the Aperture Ring is turned all the way, mount the camera on a tripod to prevent camera shake, or use flash.

Exposure Indicator Arrows:

The exposure indicator arrows are also featured on the camera's top plate.


Although the basic rule calls for shooting front-lit subjects, there are instances where you have no other choice than to shoot subject against light or in a glaring spotlight. In such cases, your main subject will be either under-exposed or over-exposed if normal automatic exposure is attempted.

Resort to automatic flash exposure by using an Auto Strobe Flash. If, for instance, ASA 100 film is in use, reset the ASA film speed of your camera to ASA 50 or 25.
*The use of the lens shade is always recommended, most particularly when shooting backlit subjects.


By using the Yashica ES-20 AUTO in concert with your Electro 35 GX, you can take flash pictures automatically with utmost simplicity. Of course any brand of “Auto” Flash will do.

Mount the strobe unit.
Slide the unit all the way into the Accessory Shoe (direct X contact shoe) and fix it securely by turning the thumbscrew. With this simple step, electric contact is established.

Before mounting the strobe unit, remove the Plastic Shoe Cover from the Accessory Shoe and make sure the Protective Cap is placed over the [PC] Synchro Terminal.

Set your camera to the aperture setting recommended for automatic flash exposure.

For use with the Yashica ES-20 Flash unit, turn the Aperture Ring and set the ASA Film Speed Setting Lever in alignment with the Electro Flash Symbol on the lens barrel. It will set the lens aperture to F4
The Camera’s light sensor will control that specific model strobe, provided that you use ASA 80 or 100 “speed” film only. When an ASA 80 or 100 Film is used, alignment of the Electro Flash Symbol with the Film Speed Setting Lever will automatically set the lens aperture at F4. The dot beside the flash symbol is the index when a flashbulb is used. [M synch]

Advance the Film and focus.
The effective radius of automatic flash exposure with the Yashica ES-20 AUTO is 5 meters.
Set the power switch of the strobe unit to "ON". After ascertaining that the neon ready light is on, press the Shutter Release Button all the way.
The strobe unit will be triggered synchronously with the shutter operation.


Daylight synchro (sun-sync) is a technique where the flash is used as 'fill' light when shooting backlit subjects or subjects in shade.
When the strobe unit is used in such a manner, your main subject as well as the background will be perfectly exposed.

Follow the basic steps for automatic flash exposure, with the exception that the aperture should be set according to normal automatic. If an ASA 80 to 100 film is in use, set the lens aperture as follows:

Outdoors under bright sunlight. 11 or 16
Outdoors in shade. 5.6 or 8
Indoors when shooting against light. 4 or 5.6

In the event the red Exposure Indicator Arrow comes on, turn the Aperture Ring in the direction of the arrow until the lamp goes off.


The Yashica ES-20 AUTO can be swiveled 90 degrees to the left and right while mounted on your Electro GX.
When your camera is held in horizontal posture, this swivel provision permits wall bounce lighting. When held in vertical posture, it provides ceiling bounce.


To obtain a soft lighting effect, diffuse the flash by covering the flash head with a white handkerchief, tissue paper or the likes.


Adapters available for flash exposure with the ES-20 AUTO include Hot-Shoe Extension Cords permitting off-camera flash synchronization. Twin-Flash Adapter enabling use of up to two strobe units and Techno Bracket SST-7 affording versatile bounce flash.

Off-camera flash is effective in portraiture. By directing the flash from an oblique angle, a more appealing lighting effect can be obtained. It is also effective in close-ups. By setting the strobe unit at some distance to the rear of the camera, you can approach the subject and obtain good close-ups. Also, when shooting subjects at a considerable range, off-camera flash technique comes in handy. By setting the flash unit as close to the subject as possible, you can back away and shoot from a distance.

By resorting to bounce flash technique you can soften otherwise harsh shadows. In this case, bounce the flash on a white wall or ceiling.

By using two strobe units mounted one beside the other on the camera, higher light output equivalent to guide number 28 can be obtained. Of course one unit can be used as the main light source, with the other as supplementary lighting from some other distance and angle. By positioning the two strobe units at the optimum locations, a highly appealing lighting effect can be obtained. More recent Strobe flash units have their own built in light sensor and will by-pass the extra contact on the Hot Shoe. They will also enable settings for any ASA film of your choice. Set the Aperture as required for the film’s ASA & subject distance directly by-passing instructions for the ES-20 strobe given above.

When focus is secured on a given subject, objects in the foreground and back-ground will appear acceptably sharp in the picture. The range over which the objects appear sharp is called the depth of field. The depth of field can be read off the depth-of-field scale on the lens barrel. If, for instance, focus is secured on a subject at a distance of 2 meters and an aperture setting of F16 is used, all objects within the range indicated by the figure '16' on both sides of the distance scale (approx. 1.3 to 5 meters) will appear acceptably sharp in the picture. Do not confuse depth of field with overall lens sharpness. This optimum lens performance is usually attained at about 75% of the maximum lens aperture.

Check the Exposure Counter to see whether the entire length of the film has been exposed. After exposing the full length, the film must be rewound into its cassette before opening the Back Cover.
Push the Film Rewind Release Button on the bottom of the camera. Failure to do so will result in the film sprockets being torn, and most likely damage to the camera mechanism.
Fold out the Film Rewind Crank-handle on top of the Film Rewind Knob and turn it in the direction of the arrow slowly to prevent static discharge which can fog the film and ruin it. In the course of film rewinding, the Exposure Counter will count back to show the length of film yet to be returned into the film cassette. When the Exposure Counter resets to the red 'Start' zone, it means that the full length of the exposed film has been rewound into the cassette.
Open the Back Cover and take out the film cassette

Lens Shade:
Your ELECTRO 35 GX uses a 54mm slip-on type lens shade. Use the lens shade to ward off extraneous light and to assure maximum image quality which is impaired even by the slightest flare on the lens. The Yashica lens shade is made of rubber. The lens cap can be set over the lens without removing it from the lens barrel. Simply fold it over. Other brands of rubber lens shades of the same type are readily available from camera stores.


Lens Color-Yashinon DX F1.7 40mm lens composed of 6 elements in 4 groups; minimum focus 2.6 ft [0.8 meters]. Angle of view 56 degrees.
Shutter Electronic shutter with continuously variable speeds from LT [Long Time to 30 secs] to 1/500 sec.; features high performance IC and three semi-conductors; built-in-self-timer with self-locking system.
Exposure Control Fully automatic electronic exposure control sets the precise shutter speed through preselection of the lens aperture; "Top- Eye" SBC sensor; aperture scale from F1.7 to F16 [three Exposure Symbols for easy aperture preselection]; ASA range from 25 to 800; Electro Flash Symbol; EV range from EV 0 to to EV 17; Red and Yellow Exposure Indicator Arrows visible in the finder and on camera top.
Viewfinder Incorporates bright frame which moves diagonally with focusing operation to compensate for parallax automatically; magnification ratio 0.26X at infinity.
Focusing Image superimposition type rangefinder incorporated at the center of the finder field; distance scale from 2.6ft to infinity [0.8m to infinity]; depth-of-field scale on lens barrel.
Film AdvanceSingle action film advance lever registers count of exposure on auto-resetting exposure counter and sets the electronic shutter to 'standby' simultaneously with film wind; multi-slot take-up spool for easy film loading; exposure counter counts back during film rewind; crank-handle film rewind.
Auto Flash System Yashica Electro Auto Flash System using exclusive ES-20 Auto strobe unit; FPS (Flash Pulse Selector) automatically sets shutter to flash synchronization speed; X contact; Electro Flash Symbol plus dot index [M synch] for flashbulb (AG-3N); auto flash feasible with AG-3N or AG-38 flashbulb.
Other Features Accessory shoe [incorporated direct X contact and light cut-off signal terminal]; X synchro terminal; shutter lock; battery check lamp doubles as exposure counter illuminator; accepts 52mm screw-in type filters and 54mm slip-on type lens shade.


Avoid exposing your camera to excessive heat. Exposure to heat may affect the film emulsion, batteries and / or the electronic system of the camera and can cause exposure inaccuracies. If by accident it is exposed to excessive heat, leave the camera to cool down to ambient temperature before using it. If exposed to extreme cold, allow camera to reach room tempreture before rewinding and removing film to prevent condensation on the film and the sealed interior of the camera. Do not use your hankerchief to clean the lens. Use a lens brush and wipe off dust and grit gently. When the flash unit is not in use, make it a rule to set the Plastic Shoe Cover into the accessory shoe and cover the synchro terminal with the Protective Cover. Most common causes of malfunction are severe jolts, exposure to humidity or salty sea breeze. Avoid rough handling. Never store your camera for any length of time in a leather case. Moisture absorbed by the leather can result in pitting or corrosion of the camera's finish. With proper care, your camera will give you faithful service almost indefinitely.


Oily smears on either or both ends of the batteries may cause poor electrical contact. Before installing, wipe both ends carefully with a piece of dry cloth. Remove the batteries from the battery compartment when your camera is to be left unused over any great length of time. Failure to do so could result in a battery leak which will damage your camera. Always carry along a set of spare batteries when going on long tours. As a precaution against hazards, do not throw used batteries into an open fire.

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