Missouri new customer application

Apply for SNAP header

If you need translation services, call 1-855-373-4636 and ask for a translator. Call TTY/TDD 1-800-735-2966/1-800-735-2466 for American Sign Language.

ATTENTION SNAP PARTICIPANTS: SNAP participants who lost food due to severe storms on May 25-26, 2024 in Barry, Bollinger, Butler, Carter, New Madrid, Ripley, Scott, and Stoddard Counties now have until June 27, 2024 to request replacement benefits. To learn more, view the press release.

What is SNAP?

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) offers a monthly benefit to help you buy food and food products, such as seeds and plants to grow food. This monthly benefit is loaded to an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card and cannot be withdrawn as cash. Your monthly benefit amount will depend on your income and the size of your household.

Who is eligible?

You may be eligible for SNAP if you: